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"A new stage in the repression of opponents to the burial of nuclear wastes at Bure. One lawyer searched and placed under house arrest"

Published 23 June 2018

Published in French on 21 June 2018 the wake of a massive search operation on Bure (7 arrests) and the arrest of a lawyer in Paris.

"Acting in the context of public information on facts going back to 2017, about two hundred gendarmes proceeded this morning (20 June) to conduct searches and arrest operations in several homes of people opposed to the Cigeo Project at Bure in eastern France. Exceptionally, the activists’ lawyer was visited at the same in his Paris offices and placed under house arrest. This coercive measure forms an unprecedented turning-point in the repression of a movement opposed to the burial of radioactive wastes.

"Several searches and arrest operations were conducted from this morning in at least five residences of activists opposed to the Cigeo Project for burial of nuclear wastes - one was at the iconic "House of Resistance" in the village of Bure. Seven activists are reported to be under house arrest for actions done a few months ago and already before the courts.

"What is even more concerning is that the lawyer representing many activists was himself subject to a search in his Paris offices and placed under house arrest. Such an action not only jeopardises the right to effective defense but also constitutes a very serious challenge to full exercise of the lawyer’s profession, even though this is something guaranteed by the law and by the European Convention on Human Rights.
"While searches, raids and condemnations have been multiplying in the Meuse region since last winter, the size and seriousness of today’s police action show a new stage in the repression of movements opposed to the Cigeo Project.

"We vigorously denounce these disproportionate and shocking methods which trample on the most essential of fundamental freedoms: the right to defend oneself and to have legal defense.

"We, as lawyers, associate ourselves fully with the call for public demonstration initiated by the anti-nuclear NGOs - rallies to take place at 6pm in front of all French prefectures and in Paris in the place St-Michel."

First signatories:

[Here follows a list of over 50 signatures of lawyers in Paris, Rouen, Nantes, Lille, Lyon, Toulouse, Seine St-Denis, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Montpellier, Laval, Aix-en-Provence and Nancy.)

Xavier SAUVIGNET (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Matteo BONAGLIA (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Aïnoha PASCUAL (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Lucie SIMON (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Raphaël KEMPF (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Alice BECKER (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Chloé CHALOT (Avocat au barreau de Rouen)
Laurence ROQUES (Avocate au Barreau du Val de Marne, Présidente du Syndicat des Avocats de France)
Anis HARABI (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Emilie BONVARLET (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Samuel DELALANDE (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Pierre HURIET (Avocat au barreau de Nantes)
Muriel RUEF (Avocat au barreau de Lille)
Martin MÉCHIN (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Claire DUJARDIN (Avocat au barreau de Toulouse)
Florence ALLIGIER (Avocat au barreau de Lyon)
Claude COUTAZ (avocat au barreau de Grenoble)
Ariana BOBETIC (avocat au barreau de la Seine Saint Denis)
Antoine GATET (Juriste mouvement France Nature Environnement)
Louis COFFLARD (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Jean-Louis BORIE (Avocat au barreau de Clermont-Ferrand)
Thomas DUBREUIL (Avocat au barreau de Vannes)
Charlotte BRUNET (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Guillaume GREZE (avocat au barreau de Paris)
Sandrine GELIS (Avocate au barreau de Mont-de-Marsan)
Miriana MILICH (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Sophie MAZAS (avocate au barreau de Montpellier)
Priscilla MIGNARD (Avocate au barreau de Laval)
Pauline GILLIET (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Céline BRONZANI (Avocate au barreau d’Aix-en-Provence)
Alice TERRASSE (Avocate au barreau de Toulouse)
Antoine LAPLANE (Avocat au barreau de Nantes)
Mathieu VICTORIA (Avocat au barreau d’Aix-en-Provence)
Alexandre FARO (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Adélaïde JACQUIN (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Emeline GIORDANO (Avocate au barreau d’Aix-en-Provence)
Adrien MAMÈRE (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Anne-Caroline CHICHE (Avocate au barreau de Lille)
Brigitte JEANNOT (Avocate au barreau de Nancy)
Clémentine PERROS (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Sébastien MABILE (Avocat au Barreau de Paris)
Laure GALINON (Avocate au Barreau de Toulouse)
Simon DENIS (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Florence BOUCHET (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Arié ALIMI (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Pauline JUSTER ( Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Daphné VAGOGNE (Avocat au barreau de Paris)
Aurélie MARCEL (Avocat au barreau de Grenoble)
Marie ROCH (Avocate au barreau de Paris)
Josselin GUILLON (Élève-avocat)
Emmanuel WORMSER (Avocat au barreau de Lyon)
Janaïna LEYMARIE (Avocate au Barreau de Toulouse)

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