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Saintes, France, 6-8 May 2006 2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical: FINAL REPORT Published 16 May 2006 Officially opened by Mme Bernadette Schmitt, the Mayor of Saintes, and Mme Catherine Quéré, the vice-president of the Poitou-Charentes Region, the 2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (RID-NBC) fulfilled the expectations of the organisers and the participants. It was organised by ACDN with the help of the City of Saintes, the Region Poitou-Charentes, and the support of the international network Abolition 2000, the French network "Nuclear Phasing Out", Green Cross International and Greenpeace. About one hundred people from a dozen of countries (France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, UK, USA and Vietnam) took part in workshops or debates between 6 May and 8 May, and heard or delivered about thirty speeches. Approximately 300 people were present at some time at this event, which was open to the public. It was rich in content, with moments of strong emotion also - concert, songs, clown, ceremony of the Flame for Nuclear Disarmament, plantation of the Hiroshima tree, testimonies about the human effects of the Orange Agent used in Vietnam by the US troops, of the nuclear tests, of the DU weapons and other agents of the "Gulf syndrome"... Many subjects were discussed at the conference, including how to eliminate all French nuclear weapons (348 bombs and missiles), how to get rid of American nuclear weapons in Western Europe (480 free fall bombs), and how to achieve nuclear disarmament in all other countries: Russia, China, Israel, Great Britain, Pakistan, India, North Korea and the USA (whose total arsenals amount to 27 000 nuclear devices). The French peace movement is also concerned with issues arising from civil uses of nuclear energy. Today there are 58 nuclear power reactors concentrated in 19 electric nuclear plants in France and 80% of the electricity used in France comes from these nuclear power stations, which ACDN, as well as the networks "Nuclear Phasing Out" and "Abolition 2000", are urging to be closed and dismantled as soon as possible. A highlight of the conference was a meeting with the representative from the Iranian embassy in France, interim Ambassador Seyed Ali Moujani. After his speech concerning Iranian plans for building nuclear power stations for civil purposes, many questions were asked by those present. According to Mr Moujani Iran has no intention of attacking other nations; it was itself attacked in 1980-1988 by Iraq with chemical weapons and that war led to heavy losses on both sides. The Iranian representative emphasized that nuclear power stations were just for civil industrial use. It was suggested that Iran ought to produce energy from sources other than nuclear. There was a strong appeal from the conference participants that the Iranian government should choose new paths. Later during the Rally, two documentary films about the Chernobyl catastrophe by Vladimir Chertkov were shown. The regional media gave good reports of this. We only regret that the national media (or rather the Paris media), likely more preoccupied with the Clearstream affair than with the future of the planet, left to foreign journalists the task of covering this important event, one where two diplomatic delegations took part (Iran and Vietnam) and which received high-level support and letters, notably from Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet president, Tadatoshi Akiba, the mayor of Hiroshima, and Temuri Tanaka, the general secretary of the Japanese Confederation for the Victims of the A and H Bombs. The participants came to a consensus on a series of principles and objectives: to rule out any new use of nuclear weapons, for any reason whatsoever (this condemns the French doctrine among others); to demand the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical or "emerging technologies"); to give just reparation to all the victims of these weapons, whether it be the Agent orange used in Vietnam, nuclear testing, or the so-called "Depleted Uranium" weapons - and also to the victims of radiation presumed to have a non-military origin; to demand that the nuclear powers implement article VI of the NPT; to support (for this purpose) the « Vision 2020 » project of the Mayors for Peace ; to work to make Europe a "nuclear-weapons-free zone", as recommended by resolutions of the European Parliament - with a similar zone in the Middle East, as wished by the UN; to struggle against the proliferation of nuclear weapons not by "preemptive war" (against Iran or any other state), but by two means: setting an example of nuclear disarmament and stopping the export of nuclear technologies and materials ; to persuade all the countries (including France) which use nuclear plants to generate some of their electricity to close these plants as quickly as possible (though this delay remains to be defined) and to develop renewable energy and energy savings that are effective; to confront political leaders everywhere with these questions concerning civilian and military nuclearism, and to ask them to refer these questions to their citizens using the democratic means available to each country. Concerning France in particular, the participants at the 2nd RID-NBC to lead a national campaign aimed at the media, public opinion, MPs, and mayors, a campaign making people aware of the urgent need for nuclear disarmament and of France’s duty to initiate this movement; to ask MPs to vote in the next future against any modernisation programme for France’s nuclear forces, in particular the M51 programme ; to lobby the candidates for the 2007 parliamentary and presidential elections so that they take a stand on this matter; to ask them to include in their programmes a plan to consult the French people by referendum with a question which could be worded thus: "Do you want France to ask all the nuclear states, whether or not they signed the NPT, to negotiate a calendar for the elimination of the nuclear arsenals under strict and effective international supervision, and to suspend France’s programmes for new nuclear weapons, reassigning their budgets instead for other purposes: social, health, cultural, educational or humanitarian?" to organise demonstrations, in particular a great national and international rally on 23 September 2006 outside the Landes Test Centre (SW France) where they plan to test the M51 missile ; to continue the daily task of informing citizens. Before the RID-NBC ended, the participants adopted a motion in support of the rally’s "Guest of Honour", Mordechai Vanunu, asking the Israeli authorities to authorise him to leave Israel and asking France’s president to grant him French nationality. They agreed to meet again in Saintes in two years time for the 3rd RID-NBC. In the interim, the French people would do themselves great credit if they took the lead in nuclear disarmament by imposing it upon their future elected representatives. Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN) 31 Rue du Cormier - 17100 - Saintes (FRANCE) Tel: ++ 33 6 73 50 76 61 - Fax: ++ 33 5 46 74 08 60 SAINTES, du 6 au 8 mai : Rencontres explosives Article "de Sud Ouest" - Press article in "Sud Ouest" - Mardi 2 mai 2006 SAINTES : Du 6 au 8 mai, une délégation iranienne participera aux Rencontres Rencontres explosives Catherine Moreau et Jean-Marie Matagne, secrétaire et président de l’ACDN, Les images du vingtième anniversaire de la catastrophe de Tchernobyl ont Organisées par l’Action des citoyens pour le désarmement nucléaire (ACDN), les Aujourd’hui, quelque 30 000 armes nucléaires existent, la plupart beaucoup plus Alternative. « La situation actuelle ne nous pousse bien sûr pas à l’optimisme. Délégation iranienne. Un débat, intitulé « Nucléaire civil, nucléaire militaire Le premier secrétaire de l’ambassade du Vietnam sera, lui aussi, présent pour De nombreux scientifiques, politiques et représentants d’organisations non Le programme des rencontres Jeudi 4 mai. 20 h 30 : projection du film « La Bombe », de Peter Watkins au cinéma le Gallia. Vendredi 5 mai. De 14 h à 18 h : inscriptions à l’auditorium Saintonge. 20 h 30 Samedi 6 mai, salle Saintonge. 8 h : inscriptions autour d’un café solidaire. 9 h : ouverture des rencontres, Dimanche 7 mai, salle Saintonge. 10 h : atelier « Remplacer la peur par la paix et la coopération ». 14 h 30 : Lundi 8 mai, salle Saintonge. 9 h : séance de dédicaces. 9 h 30 : atelier « Nos moyens d’action en tant que Pratique. Renseignements et inscriptions au Ouvert à tout public, avec
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