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Translation of the letter faxed by ACDN on Tuesday, 4 October 2005, to the French president

Published 4 October 2005

Saintes, 4 October 2005

M. le président de la République

Palais de l’Elysée

Copies to: M. le premier ministre

Hôtel Matignon

M. le ministre des Affaires


Quai d’Orsay

Original sent by FAX

Monsieur le Président,

We have heard that the UN’s First Committee is to consider on Thursday 6
October a resolution brought forward (among others) by Canada, Mexico and
Malaysia which asks for a special committee to be created within the
Disarmament Conference in Geneva, a committee which would meet frequently to
make progress in four areas: nuclear disarmament, a treaty to prevent the
militarisation of space, a « cut-off » treaty for the isolation of fissile
materials, and « negative guarantees ». The creation of an « ad hoc »
committee like this would make possible the unblocking of the situation at
the Disarmament Conference in Geneva and would constitute a considerable
step in the direction of nuclear disarmament. Indeed it is unacceptable
that the unanimity rule should allow a single nation to prevent any progress
in this direction, and to increase thereby the risks of nuclear
proliferation by states and by terrorist groups.

If our information is correct, this resolution if adopted would be submitted
to the UN General Assembly before the end of October. That is why we are
immediately asking you, and the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, to ensure that France gives her support as from now to this
resolution, of which France could become a cosignatory, and then votes for
it when it reaches the General Assembly. Not to make this gesture would mean
that France is aligning herself with the « pre-emptive war » strategy of the
USA, which could lead to a catastrophe.

Numerous French NGOs will meet on Saturday 8 October at the National
Assembly in Paris for a day of reflection devoted to « France’s attitude to
nuclear weapons ». We will draw their attention to the question raised in
this letter, which is of the highest importance, and we hope we will all be
able to say that France has made the choice of reason.

Monsieur le Président, please accept our respectful greetings.

For ACDN France (Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes)

Jean-Marie Matagne, president

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