The National Week for phasing out nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons will begin in Paris on March 11 with a Rally at the Place de la République. This rally has been called by numerous organisations to commemorate the start of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, exactly 7 years ago. It will continue with the visit to France, on March 12-16, of the former PM of Japan, Mr Naoto Kan.
Naoto Kan, who was at the time in favour of nuclear energy, had to manage the Fukushima disaster. Since then, he has become opposed to it, and travels the world to encourage leaders of all countries with nuclear plants to close them as quickly as possible. Naoto Kan will be in Paris on March 12-13, in Strasbourg on March 14, and in Flamanville and Cherbourg on March 15.
From March 11th to 18th, a citizens’ "votation" will be held by Internet and physically. This is an unofficial poll initiated by the France Insoumise movement but open to all NGOs and political groups hoping to phase out nuclear technology and boost renewable energy. The question asked is this: "Are you favourable to a nuclear phase-out?" This means nuclear power-plants and nuclear weapons: stopping all nuclear power reactors as soon as possible, developing renewable energies, energy savings and energy efficiency, and France participating actively in the struggle against nuclear proliferation and for the abolition of nuclear weapons around the whole world.
The "votation" will conclude at 5pm on March 18, and its results will be published that evening.
Nationally and locally, ACDN invites French citizens to take part in this votation on the grounds of its aims, not because of the political group involved. ACDN is independent of all parties, unions and churches, believing in particular that the abolition of nuclear weapons is a fundamental question that concerns every human being, far beyond political or ideological affiliations. Likewise, the nuclear power industry endangers current and future generations for thousands of years, irrespective of their ideas or convictions.
In Saintes on Friday 16 March from 2pm till 6pm, a votation table will be open in the Salle Saintonge, staffed by the local group of La France Insoumise, in the room where ACDN and Défi-Energies 17 will exhibit photos and panels on the subject « The Alternative » : Atomic Energy/ Renewable Energies. In this specific case the two organisations share the same objective: to inform our fellow-citizens of the very grave dangers represented by nuclear plants and nuclear weapons, and to propose a credible, realistic and sustainable alternative to fossil and fissile energies.
At 8.30pm that evening, in the same place, there will be a discussion evening, with the screening of the documentary « Bons baisers de Moruroa », in the presence of its Franco-Algerian director, Larbi Benchiha. The screening will be followed by a debate on the question: "Why and How must France renounce her nuclear bombs and power-plants?"
National Week: 11-18 March
for phasing out nuclear power geenration and nuclear weapons
Friday 16 March in Saintes
Salle Saintonge
11 Rue Fernand Chapsal
2pm-6pm : Exhibition « The Alternative »
Atomic Energy/ Renewable Energies
8.30pm : Discussion Evening
Film: « Bons baisers de Moruroa »
In the presence of the director Larbi Benchiha
Debate: "Why and How must France renounce her nuclear bombs and power-plants?"
2pm-6pm / 7pm- 8.30 : Citizens’ Votation
« Are you in favour of phasing out nuclear technology? »
For information : 06 73 50 76 61 / 06 33 56 20 92