ACDN Statement by Jean-Marie Matagne, President of « Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire » (ACDN) Excellencies, Friends from everywhere, I speak on behalf of my NGO, the Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament (ACDN). As a French citizen, as a human being, I am ashamed of the behavior of France preventing nuclear disarmament. However, let me insist on a fact: the nuclear policy of France does NOT reflect the For many years, ACDN has requested a referendum on this matter. But now, we know That’s why we are asking the French Presidency and Parliament to organise a referendum on this question: « Do you agree that France participate with the other States concerned in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, under mutual, international, strict and effective control? » Please, Excellencies and Friends, help us to change the French policy by all means you can find, notably by signing our Open Letter to the French President requesting this referendum. I thank you in advance. The time has come for the peoples of the world to decide on issues of survival. Merci. Thank you. Gracias. Vielen Dank.
will of the French people. We were never consulted about it, although it makes us potentially accomplices and victims of crimes against humanity.
through two different opinion polls that more than 80 % of French people wish the world, including France, to be rid of nuclear weapons. That is something good which needs to be transformed into a political decision.
We want a France, an Europe, a world without any nuclear weapon.
Nous voulons une France, une Europe, un monde sans aucune arme nucléaire.