[www.acdn.net] > George Farebrother passed
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George Farebrother passed

Published 19 February 2015

"After retiring as Head of History at a State Secondary School, George Farebrother became UK Secretary of the World Court Project, working with his wife, Jean, from his home in Sussex. The Project was an international citizens’ network that worked to obtain an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice (World Court) on the legal status of nuclear weapons in 1996. Apart from setting up a network in the UK, George promoted individual Declarations of Public Conscience. 3.7 million copies of these (in 37 languages) were collected and sent to the Court. George continued to raise awareness of the legal issues relating to nuclear weapons with the public and decision makers. He also worked with Abolition 2000, a global network that aims to eliminate nuclear weapons, and was a vice chair of the UK core group. He was secretary of the Sussex Peace Alliance, treasurer of Peacerights and the Institute for Law and Peace, Secretary of Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty, and a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)." (Source: Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign.

He was also very active under the banner of Trident Ploughshares.

We are very saddened by the news of his decease.

George has worked constantly for the British-French abolitionist « Entente Cordiale ». We met a lot of times in Paris, Geneva, Vienna, New York… He attended the Rally for International Disarmament-NBC in Saintes. He took part in the international Support Committee to our hunger strike (May-June 2012). He welcomed and undersigned enthusiastically the OPEN LETTER to the President of the French Republic. He also supported the VietNam victims of Agent Orange. We are grateful to him for all that.

He will be greatly missed in the European and international abolionist movement.
We express our deepest condolences to his close relatives and friends.

Jean-Marie Matagne, President