[www.acdn.net] > How can we resist well-dressed barbarism?
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How can we resist well-dressed barbarism?

Published 25 April 2019

Lecture-Debate on Friday 3 May in Saintes, Western France
with Jean-Marie Matagne, Ph.D

Is France still the “Homeland of Human Rights”?

The current occupier of France’s presidential palace and Jupiter command-post holds all the powers.
- Like an absolute monarch, he can maintain a lot of people in poverty and some other ones in exorbitant luxury.
- Without any obstacle or sanction, without any remorse, he can mutilate his own citizens with grenades and flash-balls;
- he can sell massacre weapons to the whole world (even to nations at war);
- he can impose their radioactive contamination on France and the whole globe for eternity;
- he can organise a “Paris Peace Forum” sponsored by the financers of the Bomb;
- he can, at the tax-payers’ expense, prepare for nuclear apocalypse, atomic terror and the end of humankind.

How can French citizens, with or without yellow vests, unite, resist and depose this barbarism, which hides behind the word democracy and the Republic’s motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?

That is the question that will dominate the lecture-debate on May 3.
A single slogan: Stop the Barbarism! A single means: Resist!

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* Organised by ACDN. Free admission. Limited seating. To register: contact@acdn.net