ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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French Elections
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9th NPT Review Conference
No Reply to the Letter we sent to Laurent Fabius on the Position of France

The 9th Review Conference for the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ended on 22 May 2015 without any agreement on a common declaration.
The chief obstacle encountered by the official delegations to this quinquennial conference was the huge gap between the wishes – or rather the ill-will – of the Nuclear Weapons States (NWS), supported by their close allies, and the expectations of most of the Non-Nuclear Weapons States (NNWS) for tangible nuclear disarmament measures. Added to that was the (...)

Published 18 June 2015 [ lire la suite ]

Translation of the reply of France’s Ambassador to ACDN

Geneva, 19 August 2003
to Jean-Marie Matagne, president of ACDN,
Monsieur le Président,
I was interested to receive your letter dated of 15 August concerning the so-called A5 proposal aimed at relaunching the work of the Conference on Disarmament.
I can confirm to you that on August 7 at the meeting of the C.D. which I had the honour to attend, China, Russia and the Ukraine officially supported this proposal.
1. During the consultations that ensued, France, like other partners in the (...)

Published 19 August 2003 [ lire la suite ]

Letter from ACDN to François Rivasseau, Permanent representative of France in the Conference on Desarmament
(translation by Peter Low)

Your Excellency,
We learn through the Abolition 2000 Network that at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament, where you represent France, China has recently taken an important step in supporting an amended version of the so-called A5 proposition, made by the ambassadors of Algeria, Belgium, Chile, Colombia and Sweden. This proposition accepts that negotiations should be undertaken with a view to establishing a Fissile Materials Control Treaty (FMCT) which would make it possible to avoid (...)

Published 15 August 2003 [ lire la suite ]

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