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They are Criminalising the struggle at Bure against the CIGEO Project : 150 organisations and personalities call for a massive réaction Published 23 October 2018 These national and regional organisations, collectives and public personalities are joining a forum of associations, collectives and local residents in combatting the CIGEO nuclear dump, with the aim of : Published in French on 22 October 2018 We, national and local associations, collectives, committees, personalities, denounce the policy of criminalisation and systemic repression that has been imposed for a year and a half on the opponents of the CIGEO nuclear dump at Bure. To destroy this 25-year-old resistance movement, there have already been over 25 court cases. Hundreds of months of conditional discharge have been handed out. Nearly 2 years of prison. 26 territorial bans. 7 people banned from seeing each other or communicate - and that ban to last for years, in the context of a judicial monitoring set up for "miscreants’ association". Thousands of euros of fines. A score of searches executed in Meuse, and Paris, and in the Isère. Some 30 gardes-à-vue (official orders to be at attention), including one imposed on 20 June 2018 on the lawyer Maître Étienne Ambroselli. A squadron of mobile guards stationed at Bure since the summer of 2017. Every day for over a year the inhabitants of Bure and its surroundings have been followed, noted, filmed and monitored, sometimes several times in the space of a few hours. Last Tuesday, 16 October, in the high tribunal of Bar-le-Duc, there was a new attack on the rights of defence, a new step in the repression. That morning, among other cases, the tribunal judged in his absence the journalist Gaspard d’Allens. Yet this man had never been informed that the case concerned him. He had no knowledge that there were accusations against him. That’s why he could not prepare his defense or choose a lawyer. Despite that, he was judged: in contempt of the most basic rights to defense. The prosecutor Olivier Glady explained to the outraged lawyers and spectators that a summons for Gaspard d’Allens had been sent to a Paris address. That was a place he has not lived in for 5 ans, as the prosecutor very well knew. Gaspard’s home is at Mandres-en-Barrois, not far from Bure, where he has been filmed for weeks, almost daily, by the gendarmes. Yet the prosecutor declared he was "totally unfindable". At Bure, who could still be "unfindable"? Who indeed, when there is general surveillance tracking the opponents of CIGEO, when between 15 and 50 phones are bugged at times or continuously, when communications are spied on and movements tracked, when all friendships arising from this resistance are suspected to be part of a "miscreants’ association" with criminal purposes? Really, when millions of euros are being spent to track these resisters, could the Prosecutor’s Office really not update one man’s address? Since June 2017, in the context of a judicial inquiry for "miscreants’ association", a "Bure Cell" employs between 5 and 10 full-time police officers. Their mission is to make inquiries and record the entire lives of the opponents in thousands of reports. Their sole aim: to monitor and destroy the opposition movement by asphyxia, through the police and the judiciary. Gaspard, with one other person, was accused of opposing "with violence of action" the public works done by ANDRA in the occupied Leduc Woods on 23 January 2017. The prosecutor called for 3 months of conditional discharge. That has become a classic penalty for anyone refusing the nuclear order in the Meuse region. Gaspard blocked the progress of a bulldozer for a few minutes. But where is the "violence": at that time (30 January 2017), the foreman on the Andra site, Emmanuel Hance was pouring flammable oil on the protestors holding onto a barricade? This obvious violation of defense rights is a tiny fraction of the repressive "clean-out" policy aiming to wipe out all forms of opposition in Bure. On October 16 six new cases were heard in court, all absurd, chiefly for "outrages" generated by the unbreathable militarisation climate now dominating the South Meuse. Depending on the case, three months of prison or conditional discharge are being sought. There are strange practices now in the Meuse. What can one think of a We strongly denounce the setting-up, in the Meuse in the last two years, of an unnamed mafia-like system, where basic liberties and rights of defense are trampled on every day. All in the name of the forced advance of a demented nuclear project which presents no guarantee of safety of feasibility, in the name of destroying a varied resistance movement so as to begin the imminent work of CIGEO, in the name of establishing a repressive laboratory as an experiment to better neutralise future struggles. Equally worrying is the fact that this massive repression is also occurring in all other parts of France and the world, in social movements, neighbourhoods, migration struggles, territorial and environmental campaignes... We must not remain silent or bow our heads for fear of being the next ones on the list. We call on as many groups as possible - organisations, committees, collectives and public personalities to sign and circulate this forum document, in order to: We call for solidarities to be made stronger everywhere and to not let ourselves be shut away in isolation. We will not be the next people on the list! We refuse to yield to l’intimidation ! FIRST SIGNATORIES : Coordination Stop CIGEO : CEDRA, EODRA, Habitants Vigilants de Gondrecourt-le-Château, Habitants Vigilants de Void-Vacon, des habitant-e-s de Bure et des environs. Burestop 55, Meuse Nature Environnement et Mirabel Lorraine Nature Environnement National Organisations: ACDN (Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire) Agir pour l’Environnement Alternative Libertaire Amis de la Terre France Arrêt du nucléaire ATTAC CGT-Caisse des dépôts Collectif "La Fête à Macron" DAL - Droit Au Logement Ende Gelande France Ensemble! EELV - Europe Ecologie Les Verts FNE - France Nature Environnement Front Social Greenpeace France HALEM Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire SAF - Syndicat des Avocats de France SUD Culture Solidaires Union Syndicale Solidaires Regional and Local Organisations: A.C.T.E. (Association Chalonnaise pour une Transition Écologique énergétique et citoyenne) ADENY (Association de défense de l’environnement et de la nature de l’Yonne) Alternative Libertaire 54 ARPENT (Association pour la Restauration et la Protection de l’Environnement Naturel du Tonnerrois) A.P.P.E.L.S. Arrêt du nucléaire Savoie Arrêt du nucléaire 34 ASODEDRA (Association pour la sensibilisation de l’opinion sur les dangers de l’enfouissement des déchets radioactifs) ATTAC Agen ATTAC Hauts-Cantons (44) Bien Profond BI Lüchow-Dannenberg Bure Haleurs CADE (Collectif des Associations de Défense de l’Environnement Pays Basque et Sud des Landes) CAN Ouest (Collectif anti-nucléaire de l’ouest) CAN-SE (Coordination Antinucléaire du Sud-Est) CAN84 (Collectif Antinucléaire de Vaucluse) CAPEN 71 (Confédération des associations pour la protection de l’environnement et de la nature en Saône & Loire CCAN de Nancy (Centre Culturel Autogéré de Nancy) CEDRAT 87 CEN Nouvelle éducation populaire Savoie Cercle 49 Collectif anti-nucléaire de Dieppe Comité de soutien transfrontalier // Grenzüberschreitendes Solikommittee Comité de lutte Bure/Longwy Comité STOP Bure 41 Comité de lutte Bure n Contr’Atom Coordination Center Parcs Ni Ici Ni Ailleurs CSFR (Comité pour la Sauvegarde de Fessenheim et de la plaine du Rhin) Décroissance IDF EELV Alsace FAN Bretagne - Fédération Anti-Nucléaire de Bretagne FNE Grand-Est FNE Bourgogne Franche-Comté Ki 6 col’ (Bourges, 18)Groupe Parlementaire de la France Insoumise La France Insoumise 44 Les Amis de la Décroissance IDF LDH Châlons-sur-Saône Leforest Environnement MCCA (Mouvement Contre le Crime Atomique) Mouvement de la paix - Comité sud 54 NDDL Poursuivre Ensemble Nucléaire Stop Kernergie (Belgique) Rhône-Alpes Sans Nucléaire SCA - Savoir-Comprendre-Agir Sortir du nucléaire Cornouailles STOP EPR Ni à Penly ni Ailleurs (SENPNA) STOP Fessenheim STOP Golfech STOP Nucléaire 26 SDN Aude (11) SDN Berry-Giennois-Puisaye SDN Bugey SDN Deux-Sèvres (79) SDN Isère (38) SDN Loir-et-Cher (41) SDN Moselle SDN Paris (75) SDN Pays Nantais (44) SDN Trégor SEL47TERRE Solidaritäts-Kommittee Bure-Dreyeckland Solidaires Alsace Solidaires 54 STOP Précarité Stop Transport - Halte au Nucléaire Sud Collectivités Territoriales 54 Tchernoblaye (Gironde) Terre et Liberté pour Wallmapu Thur Ecologie et Transports, association pour une gestion écologique des transports Vigilanceogm21 Personalities, intellectuals, artists, activists, politicians: Paulette & Didier Anger, militant-e-s antinucléaires Sara Aguiton, chercheuse au CNRS Paul Ariès, rédacteur en chef de la revue les Zindigné.e.s, directeur de l’Observatoire international de la gratuité (OIG) Julien Bayou, porte-parole d’EELV Jérôme Baschet, historien Ludivine Bantigny, historienne Dominique Baude, conseiller municipal d’opposition à Salles (33770) Anne-Emmanuelle Berger, professeure à Paris 8 Judith Bernard, metteure en scène et journaliste Eric Beynel, co-délégué de Solidaires Pascal Blain, porte-parole régional de FNE Bourgogne Franche-Comté Christophe Bonneuil, historien Sam Bourcier, sociologue université de Lille Isabelle Cambourakis, éditrice Geneviève Coiffard-Grosdoy, militante associative Jean-Baptiste Comby, sociologue Nicolas Chouleur, ingénieur consultant énergies renouvelables Danakil, musiciens Jean-Jacques Delfour, philosophe Béatrice Dézy, enseignante à l’Université de Lorraine Paul Dirkx, enseignant-chercheur à l’Université de Lorraine Danielle Dubus, porte-parole du collectif stop linky de Saint-Dizier Julien Durand, opposant historique à l’aéroport de NDDL Benjamin Dessus, ingénieur et économiste Anne Gaudron, présidente de la LDH Pyrénnées Orientales Vincent Gay, maître de conférences Cécile Germain-Ecuer, co-secrétaire régionale d’EELV Alsace Barbara Glowcewzski, anthropologue Cécile Gondard-Lalane, co-déléguée de Solidaires Émilie Hache, philosophe Éric Hazan, éditeur Odile Hélier, anthropologue Bruno Hilton, enseignant à l’Université de Lorraine Hugo Mathé-Ubert, biologiste et enseignant François Jarrige, chercheur et historien Brigitte Jeannot, avocate Rose-Marie Lagrave, sociologue EHESS Amélie Le Renard, professeure à Paris 1 Bernard Laponche, physicien nucléaire Stéphane Lavignotte, pasteur Sandra Laugier, professeur des universités Philippe Leclercq, ancien conseiller régional de Lorraine Vincent Lhuillier, maître de conférence en économie à l’Université de Lorraine Olivier Long, universitaire et peintre, Paris-1 Jean-Marie Matagne, docteur en philosophie Hélène Merlin-Kajman, professeure Catherine Neveu, directrice de recherche CNRS Albert Ogien, directeur de recherche CNRS Les Ogres de Barback, musiciens Younous Omarjee, député européen insoumis Gérald Orange, professeur honoraire La Parisienne Libérée, chanteuse Mathilde Panot, députée Alessandro Pignocchi, auteur de BD Christine Poupin, porte-parole du NPA Anny Poursinoff, ancienne députée EELV Josep Rafanell Orra, psychologue et écrivain Juliette Rouchier, DR CNRS à Lamsade Dauphine Serge Quadruppani, écrivain Sandra Regol, porte-parole de EELV Françoise Verchère, opposante historique à NDDL ********************************************************* Address for signatures : soutienburerepression@riseup.net (Please specify who you are, with NAME OF ORGANISATION, POSITION, in the subject line; and for public personalities : NAME, FIRST NAME, and POSITION. Contact Address : noussommestousdesmalfaiteurs@riseup.net Contact Website : noussommestousdesmalfaiteurs.noblogs.org ****************************************************** See: 21 June 2018 18 June 2018 Read also: 22 février 2016
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