ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

Letter to Emmanuel Macron about the nuclear threat
Paris, 3 May 2017

Monsieur le Président,
You have not yet been elected President of the Republic, but if you are in the evening of 7 May, we ask what you intend to do to protect France and the French people from the gravest threat: the nuclear danger. The reason why we are putting this question shortly before the second round of the presidential election is that you did not answer the three questions we sent to you and to other candidates in December 2016 :
1. Do you want France to negotiate and ratify (...)

Published 5 May 2017 [ lire la suite ]

French Presidential Election
Jean-Luc Mélenchon replies to ACDN and commits to a referendum on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear weapons

In 2017 as in 2012, ACDN sought the views of presidential candidates on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear weapons: François Fillon and Alain Juppé on the occasion of the primaries for the right and centre; then the 14 left-leaning (or supposedly left-leaning) candidates in the Socialist Party primaries, the so-called "citizens’ primaries", adding there a question about the phasing-out of nuclear power-plants; Benoît Hamon again after his win in those primaries; and Marine Le (...)

Published 7 April 2017 [ lire la suite ]

Two and a Half Minutes to Doomsday
From Marine Le Pen to Benoît Hamon, the presidential hopefuls are dancing on a volcano

Published in French on 27 January 2017 We are heading for a planetary catastrophe, we are living on a powder-keg with a lighted fuse, or, if you prefer, at the foot of a volcano about to erupt. Meanwhile France’s candidates for the role of nuclear button-pusher are doing a belly-dance in front of the fuse, or, if you prefer, a farandole on the tip of the volcano. It’s a magnificent spectacle. They are magnificently unaware. Apocalypse Now
For 70 years, the atomic scientists have (...)

Published 28 January 2017 [ lire la suite ]

14 December 2016
"Citizens’ Primaries": the Authority declares itself incompetent to address ACDN’s questions

28 April 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy considering the future role of nuclear weapons in our system of defense

28 March 2007
OPEN LETTER to the candidates for the Presidency of the French Republic and the Command of "PC Jupiter".

22 March 2007
Will the French Constitutional Council invalidate the candidacies of Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy et Jean-Marie Le Pen?

17 March 2007
Does François Bayrou really want nuclear disarmament ?

11 March 2007

5 March 2007
Segolene Royal disapproves of horizontal proliferation and approves of vertical proliferation

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