ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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Background papers


French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

MEMORANDUM alongside with the 9th NPT Review Conference
France confronting Nuclear Disarmament. Double-talk and Hypocrisy.
by Jean-Marie Matagne

1st publication, Vienna, 3 December 2014. 2d updated edition, New York, 25 April 2015.
Preamble 1. Which France? 2. The origins of France’s nuclear arms programme 3. France’s deterrence strategy 4. The incoherences of French strategy 5. The deep roots of France’s strategy 6. The infernal machine 7. Omerta – the conspiracy of silence 8. Fluctuat nec mergitur 9. Smoke and mirrors 10. After President Hollande’s speech at Istres Conclusion
The abolition of nuclear weapons – formal (...)

Published 25 April 2015 [ lire la suite ]

The Nuclear Issue: Disarm and Live
On a planet without nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants

« Disarm and Live », beginning by liberating humankind from the threat of self-destruction by nuclear weapons, is the objective pursued by ACDN since its foundation in 1996 and by the international « Abolition 2000 » network. Now in 2009 it is more topical than ever.
“Disarm and live” was the theme of the 3rd RID-NBC (Rally for International Disarmament, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) organised on 9-11 May 2008 by ACDN, with the support of the city of Saintes (a member of (...)

Published 1 July 2009 [ lire la suite ]

D.U. Effects on People in the South of Iraq
By Dr. Jawad Al-Ali, M.R.C.P.(U.K.), Cancer Treatment Center, Basrah

Caution: hard photographs.

Published 4 November 2008 [ lire la suite ]

4 March 2008
Security Council tightens restrictions on Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities

26 January 2008
Why the Nuclear Energy Path is Suicidal

15 May 2007
Nuclear tragedy at Thule

4 December 2006
Where the US Bombs are, 2006

9 October 2006
Are Nuclear Weapons authorized by International Law?

29 August 2006
The effects of Agent Orange in Viet Nam and its consequences

21 December 2005
European Parliament resolution on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: A role for the European Parliament (2005/2139(INI))

16 August 2005 , date redac6 August 2005
Peace declaration of August 6 2005

4 February 2004
Nuclear Weapons: How France is preparing a catastrophe

18 February 2003
Let’s make an end to the nuclear terror

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