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Published 28 November 2020

Communiqué from ACDN read on 28 November 2020, in Saintes (France) in the face of about 400 demonstrators :

The « comprehensive security » that France’s people need is not found through the ways being chosen by the Head of State and the current government. We appeal to our citizens to mobilise to stop our regime that is drifting off course. Our leaders are less and less democratic, less and less republican, and their authoritarian drift relies heavily on the police and the military.

France, supposedly the "homeland of human rights", needs to cease:

- reducing our fundamental freedoms, on various pretexts: the right to move about, to meet, to worship, to educate ourselves, to get information, to hold demonstrations;

- using perfectly inadequate methods of keeping law and order, which naturally lead to "police blunders" - and covering these up when they are committed;

- using mutilating weapons against demonstrators - such as offensive grenades and LBDs (defense bullet launchers);

- selling massacre weapons to the whole world, including countries currently at war;

- preparing the apocalypse by refusing to negotiate with the other nuclear-armed Sates the abolition of these weapons of extermination;

- granting to a single individual, the Head of State, the supreme tyrant, the right to decide alone on the deaths of millions of people and to execute them without trial or appeal and without having to answer to anyone at all. The cornerstone of this antisocial, anti-democratic, inhuman system, is the atom bomb.

French democracy is like fish: it rots from the head.

Action des Citoyens pour le
Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN)
31, Rue du Cormier – 17100 - SAINTES

Poisson D’

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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