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World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) 2005 calls for Human Right to Renewable Energy

Published 9 December 2005

The World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) 2005 in Bonn/Germany has ended with the adoption of the final communiqué entitled "The Human Right to
Renewable Energy".

More than 450 representatives from politics and parliaments, from science
and industry as well as NGOs and social movements met in Bonn from November
26th to 30th, 2005, following an invitation of the World Council for
Renewable Energy (WCRE).

The World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) was organised by EUROSOLAR,
supported by the NRW State Initiative on Future Energies, by the NRW Energy
Agency, UNESCO, EUFORES, ISES (International Solar Energy Society), and

World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) 2005
November 26th to 30th, 2005, Bonn/Germany
3rd World Renewable Energy Forum
November 30th, 2005

Final Communiqué

The Human Right to Renewable Energy

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." This first
article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articulates a basic
human commitment. Only by respecting this commitment, a humane life in peace
can be assured.

Energy is the fundamental prerequisite of every life. The availability of
energy is a fundamental and indivisible human right.

It is an experience of the 20th century that the established systems of
energy supply, mainly based on fossil and nuclear energy, are not in a
position to provide this human right to everybody. It is violated
billionfold. Due to the near depletion of conventional energy sources and
their dramatic environmental and climate damages, this right cannot be
provided to an ever increasing number of people. The human right for
renewable energy can only be accomplished by renewable energy.

There is no more time to waste for the mobilisation of renewable energy.
Until now, international efforts clearly lag behind the necessity and the
existing opportunities. The numerous UN conferences promise more than they
can deliver because they are tied to consensual decision-making in every
step. UN organisations and multilateral development banks were either not
willing or hindered to shift their priorities towards renewable energy. The
Kyoto Protocol falls far short of its requirements. Its main problem lies in
the focus on emission rights and trading instead of reducing emissions by a
change of a paradigm shift towards renewables. The promotion of nuclear
power ist fixed in international right, in contrary to renewable energy. The
fossil and nuclear energy system still receives around 500 billion US Dollar
of subsidies annually, about 50 times more than renewable energy.

International governmental institutions reflect this discrimination of
renewable energy. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) promotes the
proliferation of nuclear technology, the International Energy Agency (IEA)
is operating as a satellite of the fossil energy industry. Both are
misleading governments by playing down risks of nuclear and fossil energy
and by negating the potentials of renewable energy.

Both agencies are leading their governments to an energy policy ignorant of
the future. This matter of fact has to be recognised and the persons in
charge have to be named. They have to account not only for their actions,
but also for their inaction.

Prices for conventional energies are increasing in the course of their
depletion and their disastrous damages. Renwable energy is steadily getting
cheaper due to its continual improvement and economies of scale. Humanity
now is at the crossroads.

Today and in the future, the costs of renewables enable a sustainable, cheap
and sufficient energy supply for everybody.

Any further postponing is irresponsible. There are economic reasons,
ecological reasons and the question of peace that speak in favour of
renewable energy. All together, a basic ethic decision in favour of
renewable energy is resulting from these reasons.

1. The World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) welcomes the official plan of
the new German Federal Government to take the initiative for the creation of
an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This initiative will be
successful if its creation is not depending on an overall consensus but
implemented by a group of like-minded governments in conjunction with an
invitation to all governments to join this agency.

2. It is most important to initiate a strategy of phasing out fossil fuels
by mobilising biofuels in order to avoid the arising gap of oil and gas
shortage and the increase in price. Furthermore, it is necessary to organise
a world trade regime which does not oppose the development of domestic
biofuel economies and an agriculture related to it.

3. The World Renewable Energy Assembly (WREA) highlights the proposals of
the 2nd World Renewable Energy Forum 2004 and its "World Renewable Energy
- A Renewable Energy Proliferation Protocol to be added to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- A renewable energy priority for financing renewables in development aid
and development banks, focussing on micro-finance following the model of the
Grameen Shakti Bank.
- Global industrial norms and standards for renewables.
- An international university for renewable energy under the auspices of

Our guiding model is the stimulation and promotion of local initiatives
instead of waiting for international agreements any further. Mobilisation of
renewables is an unique new chance, not an economic burden.

The World Renewable Energy Assembly 2006 will be themed
"Energy Independence for all".

For further information please refer to and

World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE)


Kaiser-Friedrich-Strasse 11

D-53113 Bonn

Phone +49-228-362373

Fax +49-228-361213

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