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The Earth is Beautiful, Let’s Preserve Her!

Published 5 June 2010

Since 1972 June 5 has been World Environment Day. Today it is also, for the first time, World Day for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.

ACDN is very pleased that these two are coinciding. It’s impossible to preserve the planet’s natural and human environment when it is threatened by destructive weapons powerful enough to annihilate its six billion human beings 5 to 10 times over, or when it is degraded insidiously and permanently by radioactive emissions of military and non-military origin.

To eliminate the military dangers, ACDN has joined with the Friends of the Earth and with MSGSV (World without war and without violence) in launching the "Very Last Atom!" Campaign. We are calling on all French citizens to write to the President of the Republic asking him to organise a referendum on France’s participation in the world process for abolishing nuclear arms. This initiative has received support by numerous and important international organisations.

To make the link between nature protection, disarmament, alternatives to nuclear arms and plants, and the advent of a world that is more human, more just, and more peaceable, ACDN invites you to a

Public Lecture with projection of photos

SATURDAY 12 JUNE 2010 at 3.30pm

in Saintes (Charente-Maritime)

Salle Saintonge, 11 Rue Fernand-Chapsal

The title is

« L’Antarctique, continent des extrêmes, témoin de la planète » "Antarctica, continent of extremes, witness to the planet"

the speaker is Katell PIERRE

A logistics expert for the summer campaigns of the Institut Polaire Paul-Emile Victor, she has been working in Adélie Land since 2005, driving machines, piloting boats, and taking photographs.

After the lecture, we have a discussion on the theme:

« La Terre en héritage » (The Earth our heritage).

La Terre est belle. Préservons-la ! The Earth is Beautiful, Let’s Preserve Her!

Photographs of Katell Pierre : Look HERE

All rights reserved, 2005

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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