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OPEN LETTER to the President of the French Republic
For a referendum on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear weapons

Published 17 October 2012

One may find below:



- Colin ARCHER, General Secretary of the International Peace Bureau (Nobel Peace Prize)
- Jean-Marie MATAGNE, Ph.D, President of ACDN (Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire), Member of the Abolition 2000 Global Council
- Philippe MEIRIEU, Professor at the Université de Lyon II, Vice-president of the Région Rhône-Alpes, President of the Federal Council of the EELV party (Europe Ecologie-Les Verts)
- Patrick MOQUAY, Mayor of Saint-Pierre d’Oléron (a town belonging to "Mayors for Peace" and to the "Abolition 2000" network), President of the Community of Communes of Oléron, Doctorate in Political Science


From the undersigned to

- François Hollande
- President of the French Republic,
- Palais de l’Elysée
- 75008 Paris

Monsieur le Président,

You have been elected as head of the French Republic to carry out, with your government, changes in the direction of liberty, equality and fraternity. Allow us therefore to draw your attention to one change which is sorely needed - one which was not debated during the presidential election campaign, but on which the opinion of all French people needs to be sought, in our view.

For over fifty years France has possessed nuclear weapons. Today there are 300 bombs, each of which is 7 to 22 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb, which caused over 200 000 deaths. This destructive power, of itself and on the decision of one person, could annihilate millions of human beings. And a nuclear war could make the Earth uninhabitable.

This situation seems to us intolerable inasmuch as it flouts human life and Human Rights, International Law, the French Constitution, good sense, and democracy.

It flouts human life and Human Rights, because a single atomic bomb would cause "hundreds of thousands of deaths, women, children, old people burned up in a split second, hundreds of thousands more dying in the following years after atrocious suffering. Isn’t that what is called a crime against humanity?" (as Alain Peyrefitte said to President de Gaulle on 4 May 1962).

It flouts International Law, which obliges those nuclear-armed states that have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, including France, to "pursue in good faith and the bring to conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects, under strict and effective international control," as the International Court of Justice at the Hague confirmed in its Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996.

It flouts the French Constitution, which gives top priority to Human Rights and imposes a duty of respecting them, and also respecting treaties.

It defies good sense, because it is illogical to defend the values of the French Republic (including fraternity) while threatening to commit crimes against humanity; it is illogical to link France’s "vital interests" with the use of fatally suicidal weapons against any country that also possesses them; it is illogical to claim to guarantee any nation’s security with these weapons while forbidding others to obtain them; it is illogical thus to encourage proliferation while claiming to be combatting it; and it is illogical to want to save money while wasting billions on unusable instruments of death.

It is undemocratic, because the French people have never been consulted about the creation, maintenance and permanent modernisation of this strike force, which has already cost 300 billion euros. And yet we know now from convergent opinion-polls that at least 80% of French citizens favour the abolition of nuclear weapons, including those of France.

For the above reasons we politely request you to consult the French people without delay, by means of a referendum that would put the following question, the one required by the international agenda of 2012 and 2013: "Do you want France to participate with the other states concerned in the total elimination of nuclear weapons, under strict, effective, mutual and international control?"

Please, Monsieur le Président, offer to France and thereby to all other peoples and states the historic opportunity to abolish nuclear weapons. When we do, we will all emerge greater, in a world that is more free, more just, more fraternal, more peaceful and more secure - a livable world.

Respectfully yours.

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This Open Letter is addressed to the President of the French Republic. Unfortunately, François Hollande holds the opinion that his predecessors held, that the nuclear strike force is "the Nation’s life-insurance". He has affirmed several times (notably on 4 July 2012 on board the nuclear-strike submarine Le Terrible) that he intends to retain this strike force in its totality and to continue to "modernize" it.

However, even though it has been traditional since de Gaulle’s time for defense policy, and nuclear policy in particular, to lie within the President’s "private domain", there remains some hope of changing nuclear policy without waiting five years and the next presidential election: that is if the French people, the "sovereign people" is consulted by referendum and approves France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear weapons. Actually, according to several surveys (Global Zero/WorldPublicOpinion 2008; Mouvement de la Paix/Ifop 2012), more than 80% of French people are in favour or strongly in favour of eliminating all nuclear weapons, including those of France.

The President and the new majority would still have to agree to hold a referendum on the subject. One of the majority parties, EELV (Europe Ecologie - Les Verts), has already taken a position on this question: on 24 June 2012 its Federal Council resolved nearly unanimously (with just one abstention) to ask "all its representatives in parliament and government to do all they can within a short time to instigate a governmental bill or a parliamentary bill that would initiate a wide debate and a referendum on the following question: Do you agree that France should participate with the other states concerned in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, under mutual and international control that is strict and effective?"

But only a strong mobilization of French opinion can ensure that such a referendum takes place. This requires that the press and other media should begin to mention it. We will therefore make approaches to the main French dailies to get at least one of them to publish the letter above to the President of the Republic.

This request will have a much better chance of succeeding if it is supported by a considerable number of known personalities, elected representatives, and leading figures in NGOs, in religion, or in politics - not only within France but also abroad, because although the referendum we want firstly concerns the French, the abolition of nuclear weapons is a matter that concerns the whole world. For the same reason, we wish this letter to have an international impact, and we invite non-French signatories, if they can, to disseminate it in their networks and to send it to the media in their countries, in order to increase the number of signatories.

In conclusion, we invite you to sign the letter immediately, either as yourself or if possible in the name of the organisation you represent, and return it by email, preferably with your scanned signature to, or else by post to the address given.

We hope you will be kind enough to reply positively to this request, and we thank you in advance for doing it rapidly.

With cordial greetings,

Colin Archer, Jean-Marie Matagne, Philippe Meirieu, Patrick Moquay




Personalities / Personnalités
Premiers signataires / First signatories

Personnalités / Personalities, France & International

Mairead MAGUIRE, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Noam CHOMSKY, Institute Professor (retired), MIT, USA
Stéphane HESSEL, Ambassadeur de France
Dominique VOYNET, Ancienne ministre, Maire de Montreuil
Yves COCHET, Ancien ministre, Député européen
Daniel MOURANCHE, Contrôleur général des Armées (2e Section)
Patrick VIVERET, Philosophe
Marco MARTINEZ, Professor, University of Mexico
Sally LIGHT, Classical singer, USA
Wladimir TCHERTKOFF, Réalisateur de télévision (Suisse)
Rob GREEN, Commander, UK Royal Navy (retired) (New Zealand)
Philippe MEIRIEU, Professeur ? l?Universit? Lyon2, Vice-pr?sident de la R?gion Rh?ne-Alpes, Pr?sident du Conseil f?d?ral EELV
Bernard LAPONCHE, Docteur ?s sciences, polytechnicien, expert en politiques de l??nergie
Gerson T. LESSER, M.D. and Prof., NYU School of Medicine
Monique SEN?, Pr?sidente du Groupement des Scientifiques pour l?Information sur l??nergie Nucl?aire (GSIEN), membre du HCTISN, COR de l?IRSN
Nan AUROUSSEAU, Ecrivain
Claude PRIMAULT, dit BINUCHE, Chanteur et musicien
Alain LIPIETZ, Economiste, Ancien d?put? au Parlement Europ?en
Denys PININGRE, Cin?aste documentariste
Jean-Louis GONFALONE, Metteur en sc?ne
Susan GEORGE, Ecrivain

Responsables d?ONG internationales / International NGO managers

Colin ARCHER, General Secretary, International Peace Bureau
Takao TAKAHARA, Professor of International Politics and Peace Research Director, Institute for International Studies (Peace Depot, Yokohama, Japan)
Steve LEEPER, Chairperson, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation (Japan)
Wolfgang SCHLUPP-HAUCK, Presseh?tte Mutlangen Friedens- und Begegnungsst?tte, (Germany)
Luis GUTIERREZ-ESPARZA, President, Latin American Circle of International Studies (LACIS), Mexico
Jacqueline CABASSO, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation (USA), Recipient of the 2008 Sean MacBride Peace Prize, Member of the Abolition 2000 Global Council
Agneta NORBERG, Vice-Chair, Swedish Peace Council (Sweden)
John HALLAM, People for Nuclear Disarmament, Human Survival Project, Sydney, (Australia)
Tony ROBINSON, International Spokesperson, World Without Wars or Violence
Bruce KENT, Vice President of CND UK, of Pax Chrsti UK, of the Movement for the Abolition of War UK and Past President of the International Peace Bureau
Natalia MIRONOVA, Ph.D., President of the Movement for Nuclear Safety (Russia)
Ingeborg BREINES, Co-president International Peace Bureau, tidligere direktor UNESCO, (Norway)
Steven STARR, Senior Scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director, University of Missouri (USA)
Dave WEBB, Chair, UK Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Aaron TOVISH, International Director 2020 Vision Campaign, Mayors for Peace, Vienna, (Austria)
Kathleen SULLIVAN, PhD, Program Director, Hibakusha Stories, New York (USA)
David KRIEGER, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA (USA)
Alyn WARE, Consultant, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms George FAREBROTHER, World Court Project (UK)
Alfred L. MARDER, President, International Association of Peace Messenger Cities
Gideon SPIRO, Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of NBC Weapons (Israel)
Yehuda ATAI, Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of NBC Weapons ; Member of the Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood (Israel)
Wayne HALL, Translator, Enouranois network, Greece
Greg MELLO, Executive Director, Los Alamos Study Group, USA
Tim WRIGHT, Campaign Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Australia)
Dr Kate DEWES, ONZM, LTCL, Co-Director of the Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch (New Zealand)
Mikael BÖÖK, Network Institute for Global Democratization (Finland)
Michael CHRIST, Executive Director, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), 1985 Nobel Peace Prize
Peter LOW, Ph.D., Quaker Peace & Service, New Zealand


D?put?s et s?nateurs / French MP and Senators

Denis BAUPIN, Vice-pr?sident de l?Assembl?e Nationale
V?ronique MASSONNEAU, D?put?e de la Vienne, Membre de la Commission des Affaires sociales
Catherine QUERE, D?put?e de la Charente Maritime, Vice-pr?sidente de la commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire
Philippe PLISSON, D?put? de la Gironde, Membre de la commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire
Marie-Line REYNAUD, D?put?e de la Charente, Membre de la commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire
Genevi?ve GAILLARD, D?put?e des Deux-S?vres
Nicole KIIL-NIELSEN, D?put?e au Parlement Europ?en
Fran?oise DUTHU, Ancienne d?put?e au Parlement Europ?en
Aline ARCHIMBEAU, S?natrice

Elus r?gionaux / Regional representatives

Robert LION, Conseiller R?gional Ile-de-France
Djamila SONZOGNI, Conseill?re R?gionale Alsace
Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD, Conseill?re r?gionale Rhone-Alpes, Bureau ex?cutif EELV, d?l?gu?e aux r?gions et ? l?Europe
Genevi?ve PAILLAUD, Conseill?re r?gionale Poitou-Charentes
Brigitte MONNET, Conseill?re r?gionale de Franche-Comt?, Maire de VINCELLES (39)
H?l?ne SHEMWELL, Conseill?re r?gionale Poitou-Charentes
Marie BOV?, Conseill?re r?gionale Aquitaine
Cl?ment ROSSIGNOL, Vice-pr?sident Communaut? Urbaine de Bordeaux, Conseiller municipal de B?gles, Charg? de Recherche CNRS, physicien

Responsables associatifs / Managers of NGOs

Jean-Marie MATAGNE, Pr?sident, Action des Citoyens pour le D?sarmement Nucl?aire, Membre du Conseil mondial d?Abolition 2000
Jean-Louis GUEYDON DE DIVES, Pr?sident de la Fondation pour une Terre Humaine
Jean-Marc BRUNEEL, Pr?sident, Groupe Non-Violent Louis Lecoin, Dunkerque
Dominique CLUZEAU, Administrateur, Tr?sorier, Ligue de l?Enseignement 17
Sophie MOREL, Administratrice du R?seau ? Sortir du nucl?aire ?
Jean-Marc LOUVET, Pr?sident de N?gajoule
Guillaume BLAVETTE, Administrateur de Haute-Normandie, Nature-Environnement
Klaus WALDECK, Secr?taire APNE 79
Eric BASTIN, Porte-parole, Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence
Andr? BOUNY, Pr?sident, Comit? International de Soutien aux Victimes Vietnamiennes de l?Agent Orange
Dadou KEHL, Secr?taire r?gional Poitou-Charentes, Ligue de l?Enseignement
Yves LENOIR, Pr?sident des Enfants de Tchernobyl Belarus
Thomas PLOQUIN, Pr?sident, Amis de la Terre Poitou

Maires, adjoints et conseillers municipaux / Mayors and local elected people

Patrick MOQUAY, Pr?sident de la Communaut? de communes d?Ol?ron, Maire de SAINT-PIERRE D?OLERON (17)
Jacques MULLER, Ancien s?nateur du Haut-Rhin, Maire de WATTWILLER (68)
Sylvain GAREL, Conseiller municipal, copr?sident du groupe EELV au Conseil de PARIS
Jean-Louis CALMETTES, Adjoint au maire de DECAZEVILLE (12)
Claude MOSKALENKO, Conseill?re municipale, PANTIN (93)
Kristina WAGNER, Maire adjoint, BARRE DES CEVENNES
Arnaud JEAN, Adjoint au maire d?INGRE (45)
Jean-Fran?ois HEROUARD, Maire adjoint de COGNAC (16)
Alain FOURNIER, Conseiller municipal, CLICHY (92)
Henri LOURDOU, Conseiller municipal, TARBES (65)
Jean-Michel DUCLOS, Elu municipal, CLERMONT-FERRAND (63)
Yann-Fanch KERNEIS, Conseiller municipal et communautaire, PLOUZANE (29)
Georges BUISSET, Conseiller municipal, VILLEBON S/ YVETTE (91)
Anne VALIN, Maire-adjointe, LA ROCHE SUR YON (85)
Albina MOREIRA, Elue municipale, FOUGERES (35)

Responsables politiques et syndicaux / Political and Union managers

Didier COUPEAU, Secr?taire r?gional EELV Poitou-Charentes
St?phane TRIFILETTI, Porte-parole EELV Poitou-Charentes
Pascal BARBIER, Secr?taire r?gional adjoint EELV Midi-Pyr?n?es
Jean-Luc MANCEAU, Co-Secr?taire d?partemental EELV des Yvelines
H?l?ne CHESSE, D?l?gu?e Observatoire de la Parit? et Conseil f?d?ral EELV
Mireille ALPHONSE, Co-pr?sidente Conseil de D?veloppement Est-Ensemble (93)
Anne-Laure FAUGERE, Porte-parole EELV PACA
Beno?t DE CORNULIER, Responsable syndical FPT
Philippe PONGE, Responsable local EELV, Montrouge (92)
H?l?ne PELLETIER, Conseill?re f?d?rale EELV
Jean-Yves BOIFFIER, Co-secr?taire du Parti de Gauche de Saintonge
Marine TONDELIER, Conseill?re r?gionale EELV Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Conseill?re f?d?rale EELV
Laetitia SANCHEZ, Secr?taire R?gionale EELV de Haute-Normandie
David MARAIS, Responsable de la commission Handicap, ?cologie et citoyennet?, EELV

Responsables religieux

Christophe DUFOUR, Archev?que d?Aix-en-Provence et Arles
Emmanuel LAFONT, Ev?que de Cayenne
Jacques GAILLOT, Ev?que de Partenia
Michel MONOD, Pasteur, Le Lignon (Suisse)

Premiers signataires par ordre alphab?tique / Fisrst signatories in alphabetical order

? Mireille ALPHONSE (Co-pr?sidente, Conseil de d?veloppement Est-ensemble 93),
? Colin ARCHER (General Secretary, International Peace Bureau),
? Aline ARCHIMBEAU (S?natrice),
? Yehuda ATAI (Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of NBC Weapons, Israel ; member of the mediterranean no nuclear neighbourhood),
? Nan AUROUSSEAU (Ecrivain),
? Pascal BARBIER (Secr?taire r?gional adjoint EELV Midi-Pyr?n?es),
? Eric BASTIN (Porte-parole, monde sans guerres et sans violence),
? Denis BAUPIN (Vice-pr?sident de l?assembl?e nationale),
? Guillaume BLAVETTE (administrateur Nature-Environnement de Haute- Normandie)
? Jean-Yves BOIFFIER (Co-secr?taire du Parti de Gauche de Saintonge),
? Andr? BOUNY (Pr?sident, Comit? International de Soutien aux Victimes Vietnamiennes de l?Agent Orange),
? Marie BOVE (Conseill?re r?gionale Aquitaine),
? Ingeborg BREINES (Co-president International Peace Bureau, tidligere director UNESCO, Norway),
? Jean-Marc BRUNEEL(Pr?sident du Groupe Non-violent Louis Lecoin, Dunkerque),
? Georges BUISSET (Conseiller municipal, Villebon s/Yvette (91) ),
? Mikael B??K (Network Institute for Global Democratization (Finland) ),
? Jacqueline CABASSO (Executive director of the Western States Legal Foundation, USA, recipient of the 2008 Sean Macbride Peace Prize, member of the Abolition 2000 Global Council),
? Jean-louis CALMETTES (Adjoint au maire de Decazeville (12) ),
? H?l?ne CHESSE (D?l?gu?e Observatoire de la parit? et Conseill?re f?d?rale EELV),
? Noam CHOMSKY (Institute professor (retired), MIT, USA),
? Michael CHRIST (Executive director, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), 1985 Nobel Peace Prize),
? Dominique CLUZEAU (Administrateur, Tr?sorier, Ligue de l?Enseignement 17),
? Yves COCHET (Ancien ministre, d?put? europ?en),
? Didier COUPEAU (Secr?taire r?gional EELV Poitou-Charentes),
? Beno?t DE CORNULIER (Responsable syndical FPT),
? Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD (Conseill?re r?gionale Rhone-Alpes, membre du Bureau ex?cutif EELV, d?l?gu?e aux r?gions et ? l?Europe),
? Dr Kate DEWES (ONZM, LTCL, co-director of the Disarmament and Security Centre, Christchurch (New Zealand) ),
? Jean-Michel DUCLOS (Elu municipal, Clermont-Ferrand (63) ),
? Christophe DUFOUR (Archev?que d?Aix-en-Provence et Arles),
? Fran?oise DUTHU (Ancienne d?put?e au Parlement europ?en),
? George FAREBROTHER (World Court Project UK),
? Anne-Laure FAUGERE (Porte-parole EELV Provence-Alpes-C?te d?Azur),
? Alain FOURNIER (Conseiller municipal, Clichy (92) ),
? Genevi?ve GAILLARD (D?put?e des Deux-S?vres),
? Jacques GAILLOT (Ev?que de Partenia),
? Sylvain GAREL (Conseiller municipal, copr?sident du groupe EELV au conseil de Paris,
? Susan GEORGE (Ecrivain),
? Jean-Louis GONFALONE (Metteur en sc?ne),
? Rob GREEN (Commander, UK Royal Navy ; retired New Zealand),
? Jean-louis GUEYDON DE DIVES, Pr?sident de la Fondation pour une Terre Humaine,
? Luis GUTIERREZ-ESPARZA (President, Latin American Circle of International Studies (LACIS), Mexico),
? Wayne HALL (Translator, Enouranois Network, Greece),
? John HALLAM (People for Nuclear Disarmament, Human Survival Project, Sydney, Australia),
? Jean-Fran?ois HEROUARD (Maire adjoint de Cognac (16) ),
? St?phane HESSEL (Ambassadeur de France),
? Arnaud JEAN (Adjoint au maire d?Ingre (45) ),
? Dadou KEHL (Secr?taire r?gional Poitou-Charentes, Ligue de l?Enseignement ),
? Bruce KENT (Vice president of CND UK, of Pax Chrsti UK, of the Movement for the Abolition of War UK and past president of the International Peace Bureau),
? Yann-Fanch KERNEIS (Conseiller municipal et communautaire, Plouzane (29) ),
? Nicole KIIL-NIELSEN (D?put?e au Parlement Europ?en ),
? David KRIEGER (President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, California, USA),
? Emmanuel LAFONT (Ev?que de Cayenne),
? Bernard LAPONCHE (Docteur ?s sciences, polytechnicien, expert en politiques de l??nergie),
? Steve LEEPER (Chairperson, Hiroshima Pace Culture Foundation (Japan) ),
? Yves LENOIR (Pr?sident des Enfants de Tchernobyl Belarus),
? T. LESSER (M.d. and Prof., NYU School of Medicine),
? Sally LIGHT (Classical singer, USA), Gerson
? Robert LION (Conseiller r?gional Ile-de-France),
? Alain LIPIETZ (Economiste, Ancien d?put? au Parlement europ?en),
? Henri LOURDOU (Conseiller municipal, Tarbes (65) ),
? Jean-Marc LOUVET (Pr?sident de N?GAJOULE),
? Peter LOW (Ph.d., Quaker Peace & Service, New Zealand),
? Mairead MAGUIRE (Nobel Peace Prize laureate),
? Jean-Luc MANCEAU (Co-secr?taire d?partemental EELV des Yvelines),
? David MARAIS (Responsable Commission Handicap, ?cologie et citoyennet? EELV)
? Alfred L. MARDER (President, International Association of Peace Messenger Cities),
? Marco MARTINEZ (Professor, University of Mexico),
? V?ronique MASSONNEAU (D?put?e de la Vienne, membre de la Commission des affaires sociales),
? Jean-Marie MATAGNE (Pr?sident de l?Action des Citoyens pour le D?sarmement Nucl?aire, membre du Conseil mondial d?Abolition 2000, Docteur en Philosophie),
? Philippe MEIRIEU (Professeur ? l?Universit? Lyon2, vice-pr?sident de la r?gion Rh?ne-Alpes, pr?sident du conseil f?d?ral EELV),
? Greg MELLO (Executive director, Los Alamos Study Group, USA),
? Natalia MIRONOVA (Ph.d., President of the Movement for Nuclear Safety, Russia),
? Brigitte MONNET (Conseill?re r?gionale de Franche-Comt?, maire de Vincelles (39) ),
? Michel MONOD (Pasteur, Le Lignon, Suisse),
? Patrick MOQUAY (Pr?sident de la communaut? de communes d?Ol?ron, maire de Saint-Pierre d?Ol?ron (17) ),
? Albina MOREIRA (Elue municipale, Fougeres (35)),
? Sophie MOREL, administratrice du r?seau ? Sortir du nucl?aire ?
? Claude MOSKALENKO (Conseill?re municipale, Pantin (93) ),
? Daniel MOURANCHE (Contr?leur g?n?ral des Arm?es (2e section) ),
? Jacques MULLER (Ancien s?nateur du Haut-Rhin, maire de Wattwiller (68) ),
? Agneta NORBERG (Vice-chair, Swedish Peace Council),
? Genevi?ve PAILLAUD (Conseill?re r?gionale Poitou-Charentes),
? H?l?ne PELLETIER (Conseill?re f?d?rale EELV),
? Denys PININGRE (Cin?aste documentariste),
? Philippe PLISSON (D?put? de la Gironde, membre de la Commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire),
? Thomas PLOQUIN (Pr?sident, Amis de la Terre Poitou),
? Philippe PONGE (Responsable local EELV, Montrouge (92),
? Claude PRIMAULT, dit BINUCHE (Chanteur et musicien),
? Catherine QUERE (D?put?e de la Charente Maritime, vice-pr?sidente de la Commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire),
? Marie-Line REYNAUD (D?put?e de la Charente, membre de la Commission du d?veloppement durable et de l?am?nagement du territoire ),
? Tony ROBINSON (International spokesperson, World Without Wars or Violence),
? Cl?ment ROSSIGNOL (Vice-pr?sident de la Communaut? urbaine de Bordeaux, Conseiller municipal de B?gles, Charg? de recherche CNRS, Physicien),
? Laetitia SANCHEZ (Secr?taire r?gionale EELV de Haute-Normandie),
? Wolfgang SCHLUPP-HAUCK (Presseh?tte Mutlangen Friedens- und Begegnungsst?tte, Germany),
? Monique SEN? (Pr?sidente du Groupement des Scientifiques pour l?Information sur l??nergie Nucl?aire (GSIEN), membre du HCTISN, cor. de l?IRSN),
? H?l?ne SHEMWELL (Conseill?re r?gionale Poitou-Charentes),
? Djamila SONZOGNI (Conseill?re r?gionale Alsace),
? Gideon SPIRO (Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of NBC Weapons, Israel),
? Steven STARR (Senior scientist, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Clinical Laboratory Science program director, University of Missouri, USA),
? Kathleen SULLIVAN (Phd, program director, Hibakusha Stories, New York, USA),
? Takao TAKAHARA (Professor of international politics and peace research director, Institute for International Studies (Peace Depot, Yokohama, Japan) ),
? Wladimir TCHERTKOFF (R?alisateur de t?l?vision (Suisse) ),
? Marine TONDELIER (Conseill?re r?gionale Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Conseill?re f?d?rale EELV),
? Aaron TOVISH (International director 2020 vision campaign, Mayors for Peace, Vienna, Austria),
? St?phane TRIFILETTI (Porte-parole EELV Poitou-Charentes),
? Anne VALIN (Maire-adjointe, La Roche sur Yon, 85),
? Patrick VIVERET (Philosophe),
? Dominique VOYNET (Ancienne ministre, maire de Montreuil),
? Kristina WAGNER (Maire adjoint, Barre des C?vennes),
? Klaus WALDECK (Secr?taire APNE 79),
? Alyn WARE (Consultant, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms),
? Dave WEBB (Chair, UK Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)
? Tim WRIGHT (ICAN Campaign director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)


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Also in this section

Letter to President Jacques Chirac, 6 April 2003
Letter to President Hollande, the Prime Minister and the ministers of the new government
The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: Letter to President Sarkozy
Translation of the letter faxed by ACDN on Tuesday, 4 October 2005, to the French president

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