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The Burmese people are victims of a violent world-order
Media Release from ACDN France, 29 September 2007

Published 29 September 2007

ACDN expresses solidarity with the Burmese people, the demonstrators and the democratic opposition to the military junta. Although ACDN is not part of the “Humanist Internationale”, it joins with it and adopts its demands:

That the Burmese junta should:

- immediately cease all repression of peaceful demonstrations;

- announce and implement with maximum speed a process of restoration of democracy in Burma;

- immediately release all political prisoners, in particular the Nobel peace laureate Aun Sang Suu Kyi, who was confined to her residence for many years and is today in a high-security prison.

That the United Nations should:

- take all measures necessary to put pressure on the regime in Burma to make it relinquish power.

That the governments of China and Russia should:

- stop supporting the Burmese military regime out of economic and political interests, and stop preventing the UN Security Council from passing resolutions against it.

In addition ACDN France requests

That the Chinese government should:

- cease its own repression of the Tibetan people;

- withdraw its troops and nuclear missiles from Tibet;

That the French government should :

- continue to support the Burmese democratic movement, as it has been doing recently; but also:

- cease its sales of weapons around the world;

- and contribute to a just and non-violent world-order by honouring article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty which requires nuclear states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.

No Head of State can give lessons in democracy, non-violence and humanism to any other government, if he claims for himself the right to massacre millions of people in one stroke.

This remark applies to the Heads of the nine States currently possessing nuclear weapons: USA, Russia, UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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