ACDN - Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire
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French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

1st May 2007
On NPT, French nuclear policy and presidential election

Published 4 May 2007

Meeting in Vienna from 30 April to 11 May 2007, the Preparatory Committee to the 2010 Review Conference of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) underscored from the very start the importance of the risk of nuclear proliferation. This risk was recently confirmed by North Korea and is presumably presented by Iran. The risk will only increase as long as the States-Parties for their part do not comply with Article VI, which requires them to negotiate nuclear disarmament.

In this context, we must emphasize that nuclear weapons states are highly accountable; especially France. Its next chief of state shall have to involve France quickly in negotiations toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. We deeply regret that neither Ségolène Royal nor Nicolas Sarkozy, the two candidates still running for the presidency, anticipate an early achievement of Article VI of the NPT.

We strongly disapprove that Nicolas Sarkozy adopted the new nuclear posture designed by president Chirac 19 January 2006, which Ségolène Royal does in fact reject. According to this strategy, the “vital interests” of France, which nuclear arms are supposed to theoretically defend, are so wide that just about anything can become an opportunity to use nuclear weapons, even (almost preferably) against the population of a state who does not have nuclear weapons.

Along with the majority of people and states, we consider that this policy is totally unacceptable. We appeal to the French people to seriously consider the danger of such a policy when they will designate the person, either a man or a woman, who as chief of state and as chief of the military forces will have sole access to the nuclear button.

Abolition des armes nucléaires / Stop-Essais

Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire

This declaration received the support of:

- Akira Kawasaki, Japan, Peace Boat

- John Burroughs, USA, Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy

- Kelvin Gascoyne, UK, Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

- Alice Slater, USA, Abolition 2000

- Susi Snyder, USA, Shunda Hai Network

- Nickolas Roth, USA, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

- Yayoi Tsuchida, Japan, Japan Gensuikyo

- Miyako Nakamura, Japan

- Colin Archer, UK/Switzerland, International Peace Bureau

- Mathias Reichl, Austria, Center for Non Violence

- Peter Nichols, UK, Abolition 2000 UK

- Felicity Hill, Australia, MAPW

- Pol D’Huyvetter, Belgium, Friends of the Earth

- Katsuya Higuma, Japan, Peace Depot

- Merav Datan, Israel

- Hans Koritke, Germany, ORL

- Zia Mian, USA

- Takao Takahara, Japan, Peace Depot

- Jean-Yvon Landrac, France, Réseau "Sortir du Nucléaire"

- Aaron Tovish, Austria, Mayors for Peace

- Kalevi Suomela, Finland, Peace Union

- Gunnar Westberg, Sweden, IPPNW

- Wolfgang Schlupp, Germany, Pressehütte

- Thomas Fester, Germany, INESAP

- Lisa Clark, Italy, BCP

- Philip White, Australia, CNIC Japan

- Regina Hagen, Germany

- Ron McCoy, Malaysia, IPPNW

- George Farebrother, UK, World Court Project

- Ernst Schwarer, Austria, IFOR

- Alois Reisenbichler, Austria, Hiroshima Group

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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